Surgical Procedures
Cutting Edge Surgical Procedures

As an OB/GYN practitioner for over 23 years, we are concerned with managing your health and providing medical care to women throughout their life.
Caring for women of all ages is our compassionate team of providers specialty.
The practice of Gynecology includes the provision of preventative medical services as well as diagnostic practices to identify and treat the common female problems that patients experience throughout their life.
Endometrial Ablation
We are the only gynecologist in the immediate area to offer in office NovaSure Ablation to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding. This not only saves time but also reduces out of pocket cost.
Heavy bleeding is most common for women between 40 and 50 years old. Losing too much blood can lead to anemia (low iron in the blood). It can also affect your ability to do daily activities. Endometrial ablation is the destruction of the lining of the uterus to treat heavy periods.
Endometrial ablation is a short procedure which can in most instances be performed in the office. There are no incisions as it is done through the vagina. We use the Novasure method using electrical energy. This procedure is very quick and has an excellent success rate (30-40% of women have lighter periods following the procedure and 50-60% of women no longer have periods).
Endometrial ablation is for those women who no longer wish to have children. Pregnancy is not advised after an ablation. If you think you may be a candidate for endometrial ablation, please make an appointment to discuss this with one of our providers.
For more information, you can visit
Urodynamics and Incontinence
We are the only gynecologist in the immediate area to offer InterStim placement to treat urinary incontinence.
Urodynamics testing is an assessment of how well the bladder does its job of storing and releasing urine. Urodynamics is helpful in determining the right treatment for problems such as incontinence or leaking urine, frequent urination, or the feeling of not emptying your bladder completely.
Urodynamics is helpful in determining if surgery is right for you. If you feel you have a bladder problem, talk to your practitioner to see if urodynamics testing is recommended.
Abnormal pap smears are common and may require taking a closer look with a test called a colposcopy. During a colposcopy the cervix is visualized with a speculum, similar to the exam done for a pap smear.
The cervix is swabbed with a vinegar solution and viewed with a colposcope, a series of lights and lenses that magnify the cervix and allow the physician to take a closer look.
Want to learn more? Below you’ll find a list of surgical procedures and conditions
Da Vinci Robotic-Assisted hysterectomy
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Hysteroscopic & Laparoscopic Surgery
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